K9 in Kruger park in Zuid Afrika
Sar Overbetuwe is maatschappelijk betrokken bij K9 in Kruger park in Zuid Afrika. K9 zet zich in voor de strijd tegen stropers en andere vormen van wildlifecriminaliteit.
Sar Overbetuwe is socially involved with K9 in Kruger park in South Africa. K9 is committed to the fight against poachers and other forms of wildlife crime.
Juli / July 2019
Wij zijn blij en trots dat onze gedoneerde honden naar de neushoorn opvang The Rhino Orphanage zijn gegaan. The Rhino Orphanage schrijft op facebook het onderstaande bericht. Bovendien kregen wij een thank you certificaat.
We are happy and proud that our donated dogs went to the Rhino Orphanage rhino shelter. The Rhino Orphanage writes the message below on Facebook. Moreover, we received a thank you certificate.

The Rhino Orphanage:
Support to the rhino babies and the Rhino Orphanage comes in so many ways and we are always left in awe of people’s kind hearts ❤️. We proudly went to fetch the Orphanage’s new generation of anti-poaching & security dogs. Two incredibly beautiful Belgian Malinois brothers.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Marco & Wilma Blom from the Netherlands who bought and donated the dogs to us. Your generosity and kindness will never be forgotten. Thank you to Ruth Hughes from RHINOS FOR THE FUTURE who was responsible for placing the dogs and making all the arrangements. Thank you to our good friend Andrew van Ginkel who nominated the Rhino Orphanage as the new home for these gorgeous brothers. And lastly to breeders Andrew and Michelle Warren, these dogs will make a massive difference in the fight against rhino poaching.
April 2019
2 van deze pups hebben we gedoneerd aan nog nader te bepalen k9 units die zich inzetten om de stroperij in Zuid Afrika te bestrijden. We houden jullie op de hoogte.
2 off these puppies we have donated to k9 units who are fighting against poacher in South Africa. Wich k9 units it will become isn’t decided yet. We will keep you informed.
Januari / January 2018
In januari 2018 zijn wij in Zuid-Afrika geweest bij K9 in Kruger park. Daar worden honden getraind en ingezet om de poachers te zoeken die de neushoorns doodschieten voor hun hoorns. Als ze zo doorgaan hebben we over enkele jaren geen neushoorns meer in het wild. Helaas is hun trainingscentrum door grote hagelstenen behoorlijk beschadigd. Dit hebben wij gezien en hebben hun nu via een donatie geholpen.
Lees meer op de Facebookpagina van SANParks
“The Admins of the SANParks KNP RANGER DOGS group express our gratitude to Marco and Wilma Blom from Holland for the fantastic contribution of ZAR15,000 for the fixing of hail storm damages at the K9 Centre. Thank you very much for the sincere interest you have shown for the well-being of our K9s…..
Marco and Wilma run their own business with security and snifferdogs ( narcotics , explosives , migration ) and they have their own dog training school.”